Utility Poles
Our technology helps maximize the lifespan of utility poles, lowering cost and environmental impact.
Application areas
Power Grids
Street Lights

Utility Poles
Utility poles are have numerous applications, and are commonly used in the power grid, telecommunications, and in railways. A challenge with these poles are that they are susceptible to rot or losing their structural integrity over time. Therefore there is a need for tools and solutions that make accurate condition assessment possible.
Birdsview’s solutions provide an easy, efficient, and non-destructive method for assessing the health of wooden utility poles.
How we add value
1. A device that is easy and convenient to use
2. Saves you time and money by extending lifespan of utility poles and reducing time spent on assessment
3. Optimize investments by having full overview of your pole portfolio
Three easy steps

Step 1
Scan the pole with our sensor

Step 2
Image the data automatically in field and on dashboard

Step 3
Employ the data to make efficient decisions for your pole portfolio
Customer testemonials

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Meet Birdview Inspect
A holistic solution for condition assessment of critical infrastructure.